Auditions are now finished for the Autumn 2024 season. If you're interested in auditioning for a future season, please fill out this form.
We welcome enquiries from those who would like to join. The choir has a seasonal turnover in membership, so there may be places.
Formal auditions are held at the start of each season, usually in January and September.
Please note that there is usually a three-week break from rehearsals at Christmas and a three-month pause in summer.
You will probably have prior experience of singing at this level. You should be able to read complex choral scores fluently and swiftly. You should be able to follow the director's rapid commands in English.
In addition to skill, potential candidates should consider whether they can commit sufficient free time. The choir meets most Tuesday evenings, from 19:00 to 21:00, in Minato-ku. Members who miss more than 25% of rehearsals in a season may be asked not to sing in the final concert, and all dress rehearsals are mandatory.
Membership dues
Members pay fees of ¥12,000 per season (two per year), with a ¥5,000 joining fee. The fees cover the cost of music scores and help us to secure venues and hire professional players for our major concerts.
If you believe you meet these requirements we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact our audition manager at for more information on the audition process and timeline.
The TEC also has plenty of roles for non-singers. In particular, we're always looking for people who can act as front-of-house staff during large concerts. If you're interested, please get in touch at